Our Contacts

Building 18 Office Park Lt. 18
Jl. T.B. Simatupang No.18, Pasar Minggu,
South Jakarta - 12520


+62 (021) 2787 1818
+62 (021) 2770 8558

PT Rekadaya Elektrika already has a policy regards compliance with the submission of LHKPN as stipulated in the Directors’ Decree (Keputusan Direksi) Number 5/SK-Dir/RE/2022 dated 24 November 2021 concerning Guidelines for Reporting Wealth of Officials within PT Rekadaya Elektrika. Submission of the LHKPN is carried out by the official concerned to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Furthermore, the report is published in the Company according to the format of the KPK