Our Contacts

Building 18 Office Park Lt. 18
Jl. T.B. Simatupang No.18, Pasar Minggu,
South Jakarta - 12520


+62 (021) 2787 1818
+62 (021) 2770 8558



The Availability and Improvement Program is a RE business segment that is engaged in Services and Rehabilitation Offerings for existing power plants and distribution and transmission networks, including electric power assessment, project relocation, reloading, performance improvement and repair, reverse engineering, technical support and vendor assistance/services, training, spare parts, facilities and warehouse management as well as operator recruitment training services.

One of the projects being worked on is the repair work on the 2nd stage of the breakwater line belonging to the Pacitan PLTU which was cut off due to the scouring of the sea waves. In this project, RE uses BPPT Lock material as a breakwater. This work was completed in 2021.

  1. Replacement of Full Set Chain Grate Unit 1 PLTU Kendari
  2. Procurement of Material Traveling Chain Grate for PLTU Tidore
  3. Work on Bay Capacitor Mobilization from Old Tallo Substation to Likupang Substation
  4. EPC Coal Handling System for PLTU Paiton 9
  5. Addition of Backup Power Supply for Essential Buses for PLTU Paiton 9
  6. EPC Fire Protection Procurement for PLTU Indramayu
  7. Replacement of Cathodic Protection System for Water Intake Area, Cooling Water Pipe and Condenser for PLTU Indramayu
  8. Dome Shelter Coal Yard PLTU Tj. Awar-awar
  9. Rehabilitation of Cover Hopper Su#1 and Su#2 PLTU Indramayu
  10. Research Services of PT PJB Permanent Magnet Generator Development
  11. Research Services and Study PLTB of Combined Systems with Solar Energy
  1. Installation of Main Hydrant Above Ground Yard PLTU Tj. Awar-awar
  2. Hydrant Line Up Ground Tapping Services PLTU Paiton 9
  3. StrateSubstationc Replacement Service for Ultra Filtration Module RO Plant Parts PLTU Indramayu
  4. Ash Yard Embankment Manufacturing PLTU Pacitan
  5. Fire Deluge System Coal Conveyor PLTU Tj.Awar-awar
  6. Work on Automatic Deluge Pre Action System Installation in Turbines, Generators & Deluge Systems Mot PLTU Air Anyir
  7. Revitalization Fire Protection Conveyor 6a PLTU Tj. Awar-awar
  8. Installation of Auto Water Spray (Deluge System) in Coal Handling Facility PLTU Belitung
  9. Upgrade Line Reuse Phase II PLTU Tj. Awar-awar
  10. Sea Water Intake Pipe Modification PLTU Sumbawa
  11. Modification Fire Protection System of Conveyor 4a & 4b, Conveyor 5a & 5b from Sprinkler System to Deluge System and Addition ff Spray Nozzle Head Conveyor 4a & 4b PLTU Paiton 9
  1. Addition of Back Up Power Supply Bus Essential from SST secondary voltage PLTU Paiton 9
  2. Rehabiliation Cover Hopper SU#1 and SU#2 PLTU Indramayu
  3. Retrofit Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) and Fire Detector System PLTU Tanjung Awar-awar
  4. Modification Line Bypass Pipe Feed Water and Steam Drain HPH
  5. Utilization of FABA at PLTU Pacitan
  6. Retubing Boiler PLTU Indramayu #3
  7. Rehabilitation of Expantion Join Suction & Discgarhe ID FAN PLTU Rembang
  8. Addition Heater Ducting Busbar AVR #2 PLTU Rembang
  9. Emergency Diesel Genset (EDG) 2 x 2.5 MVA PLTGU Muara Tawar
  10. Installation Fire Protection System of H2 Plant Area ESP, Chemical Warehouse, Lubricant Warehouse for PLTU Tj. Awar-Awar
  1. Modification Sea Water Intake Pipe PLTU Sumbawa Barat
  2. Revitalization MCWWTP PLTU Paiton
  3. Normalization of Fire Fighting System and Control of PLTU Indramayu
  4. Replacement Full Set Chain Grate PLTU Kendari #1
  5. Chain Grate Materials for PLTU Tidore
  6. Mobilization of Bay Capacitors from Substation Tallo Lama to Substation Likupang
  7. Upgrade F/F Deluge System and Water Mist PLTU Pacitan
  8. Upgrade Infrastructure of Fire Protection at Coal Handling Area PLTU Tj. Awar-awar
  9. Break Water Permanent Jetty Reinforcement Services Phase 2 and Precast Installation in the Seawall Area PLTU Pacitan
  10. Rehabilitation Expantion Join Suction & Discgarhe ID FAN PLTU Rembang
  11. Site Dev Regasification Facilities LNG Sorong, Manokwari & Nabire